SWE.2 SW Architecture Design

This post describes the A-SPICE Software Engineering Process.2 (SWE.2) SW Architecture Design detailed process that I recommend.

SWE.2 SW architecture design includes SW state transition design, SW component configuration design, and SW inter-component interface design as shown in the table below.

SWE.2Detailed ProcessSummaryReflecting Process Group
1Pre-design meetingSWE.1 Conduct next meeting based on SW requirement analysis results.
– SWE.2 Design Process Selection
– SWE.2 Design Perspective
2SW State Transition DesignSWE.1 Based on the results of SW requirements analysis, implement the following design.
– Consideration of SW state transition diagram/table for each SW state Layer
– Consideration of processing details during SW state transitions
Initial values of static variables during state transitions
SWE.3 UNIT Design
3SW Component Configuration DesignBased on the results of SWE.1 SW Requirements Analysis and SWE.2-2 SW State Transition Design, implement the following design.
– SW Component Attribute Configuration
– SW Component Processing Timing Settings
– SW Component Configuration Per SW State
SWE.3 UNIT Design
4SW Component-to-Component Interface DesignBased on the results of SWE.1 SW Requirements Analysis and SWE.2-2 SW State Transition Design and SWE.2-3 SW Component Configuration Design, implement the following design.
– Extraction of SW component-to-component interface variables.
– Setting the processing order of SW components.
SWE.3 UNIT Design
5SWE.2 Design ReviewReview the above results.SWE.2

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