
AD22100A is a temperatures sensor IC (-40 to +85 °C) made by Analog Devices. This posting will provide the OSS-ECAL(Open Source Software for Electronic Components Abstraction Layer) for AD22100A.
MCU interface : ADC

CAUTION:Please be sure to refer to the latest version of the Datasheet prior to actual design.


General description

The AD22100 is a monolithic temperature sensor with on-chip signal conditioning. With a temperature range of -50°C to +150°C, it is suitable for use in many HVAC, instrumentation, and automotive applications.
The signal conditioning eliminates the need for any trimming, buffering, or linearization circuitry, greatly simplifying the system design and reducing the overall system cost.
The output voltage is proportional to the temperature x the supply voltage (ratiometric). The output swings from 0.25 V at −50°C to +4.75 V at +150°C using a single +5.0 V supply.
Due to its ratiometric nature, the AD22100 offers a costeffective solution when interfacing to an analog-to-digital converter. This is accomplished by using the ADC’s +5 V power supply as a reference to both the ADC and the AD22100 eliminating the need for and cost of a precision reference.


  • 200°C temperature span
  • Accuracy better than ±2% of full scale
  • Linearity better than ±1% of full scale
  • Temperature coefficient of 22.5 mV/°C
  • Output proportional to temperature × V+
  • Single-supply operation
  • Reverse voltage protection
  • Minimal self-heating
  • High level, low impedance output


  • HVAC systems
  • System temperature compensation
  • Board level temperature sensing
  • Electronic thermostats

OSS-ECAL specification

API Function

etSTS oAD22100A( etCMD cmd, float32* rlt )

The oAD22100A function is an API function that executes AD22100A processing according to the command in the argument.

Return valueetSTSOSS-ECAL status code
eSTS_FINCompleted successfully
eSTS_ERR_MINMinimum temperature error (rlt is minimum temperature)
eSTS_ERR_MAXMaximum temperature error (rlt is maximum temperature)
eSTS_ERR_COMMAND_CODECommand selection error
eSTS_ERR_OTHERS_RUNOther components are executing the process
eSTS_ERR_HAL_OTHERS_RUNOther application is running HAL
eSTS_ERR_ADC_OBJECTAD conversion object selection error
Parameter INetCMD cmdOSS-ECAL command code
eCMD_STARTCommand to start AD conversion.
eCMD_READCommand that reads the AD conversion value, converts the AD conversion value to a characteristic Temperature, and stores the Temperature in rlt.

AD conversion value to temperature conversion equation
Voltage value = (AD conversion value × VDD) / ( 2AD bit )
Temperature = ((voltage value – voltage offset value) / gain) + Temperature offset value (Min, Max Limit)
eCMD_START_READCommand that starts AD conversion, waits for AD conversion to finish, reads out the AD conversion value, converts the AD conversion value to a characteristic Temperature, and stores the Temperature in rlt.

AD conversion value to temperature conversion equation
Voltage value = (AD conversion value × VDD) / ( 2AD bit )
Temperature = ((voltage value – voltage offset value) / gain) + Temperature offset value (Min, Max Limit)
Parameter OUTfloat32* rltTemperature -40 to 85 [°C]

Command Correspondence Table by HAL

Infineon ModusToolboxeCMD_START_READ
etSTS oAD22100A_START(void)

The oAD22100A_START function is an API function to start AD conversion of the AD22100A.

Return valueetSTSOSS-ECAL status code
eSTS_FINCompleted successfully
eSTS_ERR_OTHERS_RUNOther components are executing the process
eSTS_ERR_HAL_OTHERS_RUNOther application is running HAL
eSTS_ERR_ADC_OBJECTAD conversion object selection error

Function Correspondence Table by HAL

ARM Mbed
Infineon ModusToolbox
NXP MCUXpresso iMXRT1051B_1052BX
Renesas SSPX
etSTS oAD22100A_READ( float32* rlt )

The oAD22100A_READ function is an API function that checks for the end of AD conversion of the AD22100A, reads the AD conversion value, converts the AD conversion value to a characteristic temperature, and stores the temperature in rlt.

AD conversion value to temperature conversion equation
Voltage value = (AD conversion value × VDD) / ( 2AD bit )
Temperature = ((voltage value – voltage offset value) / gain) + Temperature offset value (Min, Max Limit)

Return valueetSTSOSS-ECAL status code
eSTS_FINCompleted successfully
eSTS_ERR_MINMinimum temperature error (rlt is minimum temperature)
eSTS_ERR_MAXMaximum temperature error (rlt is maximum temperature)
eSTS_ERR_TIMEOUTADC Timeout error (AUTOSAR only)
eSTS_ERR_OTHERS_RUNOther components are executing the process
eSTS_ERR_ADC_OBJECTAD conversion object selection error
Parameter OUTfloat32* rltTemperature -40 to 85 [°C]

Function Correspondence Table by HAL

ARM Mbed
AUTOSARXTime-out time ADC_TIMEOUT [us] setting
Infineon ModusToolbox
NXP MCUXpresso iMXRT1051B_1052BX
Renesas SSPX
STM STM32Cube FW_F4XTime-out time HAL_MAX_DELAY
etSTS oAD22100A_START_READ( float32* rlt )

The oAD22100A_START_READ function is an API function that starts an AD conversion of the AD22100A, waits for the AD conversion to finish, reads the AD conversion value, converts the AD conversion value to a temperature characteristic, and stores the temperature in rlt.

AD conversion value to temperature conversion equation
Voltage value = (AD conversion value × VDD) / ( 2AD bit )
Temperature = ((voltage value – voltage offset value) / gain) + Temperature offset value (Min, Max Limit)

Return valueetSTSOSS-ECAL status code
eSTS_FINCompleted successfully
eSTS_ERR_MINMinimum temperature error (rlt is minimum temperature)
eSTS_ERR_MAXMaximum temperature error (rlt is maximum temperature)
eSTS_ERR_OTHERS_RUNOther components are executing the process
eSTS_ERR_HAL_OTHERS_RUNOther application is running HAL
eSTS_ERR_ADC_OBJECTAD conversion object selection error
Parameter OUTfloat32* rltTemperature -40 to 85 [°C]

Function Correspondence Table by HAL

Infineon ModusToolboxX
NXP MCUXpresso iMXRT1051B_1052BX
Renesas SSPX
STM STM32Cube FW_F4XTime-out time HAL_MAX_DELAY
API functions for AUTOSAR

In AUTOSAR, the ADC group and channels of the MCU may be registered to the MCAL ADC channel group for AD conversion. In such a case, use the following API functions.

etSTS oMCAL_ADC_GR_START( Adc_GroupType gr )

The oMCAL_ADC_GR_START function is an API function that initiates conversion of a ADC channel group.

Return valueetSTSOSS-ECAL status code
eSTS_FINCompleted successfully
Parameter INAdc_GroupType grID value of ADC channel group
etSTS oMCAL_ADC_GR_READ( Adc_GroupType gr, Adc_ValueGroupType* buf )

The oMCAL_ADC_GR_READ function is an API function that checks the end of ADC conversion for the ADC channel group, reads each AD conversion value, and stores each AD conversion value in buf. This function has a Timeout function and should be used with the ADC_TIMEOUT value set.

Return valueetSTSOSS-ECAL status code
eSTS_FINCompleted successfully
eSTS_ERR_TIMEOUTADC Timeout error (AUTOSAR only)
sSTS_ERR_PROCESSThe return value of the Adc_GetGroupStatus function is other than the following value.
Parameter INAdc_GroupType grID value of ADC channel group
Parameter OUTAdc_ValueGroupType* bufFirst address of buffer of ADC channel group
etSTS oPRC_CHAR_CONV_L_FF( sint32 before, const stCOEF_L_FF coef, float32* rlt )

The oPRC_CHAR_CONV_L_FF function is a common process function. This function converts the value of the argument before (AD conversion value) to a voltage, converts the voltage linearly by the constant coef, and limits the converted value by the maximum minimum value.

Return valueetSTSOSS-ECAL status code
eSTS_FINCompleted successfully
eSTS_ERR_MINMinimum temperature error (rlt is minimum temperature)
eSTS_ERR_MAXMaximum temperature error (rlt is maximum temperature)
Parameter OUTfloat32* rltTemperature -40 to 85 [°C]
Sample program
etSTS oss_ecal( void )
        /* ADC Gr is registered with multiple Ch and AD conversion is        */
        /* performed to convert AD2210A temperature.                         */
        Adc_ValueGroupType val = 0;
        sint32 wk = 0;
        float32 phy = 0.0F;

        /* ADC Gr(Multi-Ch) start */
        sts = oMCAL_ADC_GR_START( ADC_AD22100A_GR );
        if( sts == eSTS_FIN )
                /* ADC Gr(Multi-Ch) value read */
                sts = oMCAL_ADC_GR_READ( ADC_AD22100A_GR, GR_BUF );
                if( sts == eSTS_FIN )
                        /* AD22100A Temperature conversion */
                        /* Get A/D value */
                        val = *(GR_BUF+ADC_AD22100A_CH);
                        /* Linear characteristic conversion */
                        wk = (sint32)mac_max_u16( val );
                        sts = oPRC_CHAR_CONV_L_FF( wk, cCOEF_AD22100A, &phy );
                        if( sts == eSTS_FIN )
                                vgPHY = phy;
                                /* nothing to do */
                        /* nothing to do */
                /* nothing to do */
        return( sts );


AD22100A_HALNAME_VERSION/samplesample.c (.cpp)Sample Application Program
sample.hSample Application Header
AD22100A_HALNAME_VERSIONoAD22100A.c (.cpp)OSS-ECAL Program for AD22100A
oAD22100A.hOSS-ECAL Header for AD22100A
AD22100A_ARDUINO.inoSample application programs for Arduino
oss_ecal.hOSS-ECAL Common Header (Ver 01.00.00 or later, AUTOSAR is Ver 01.01.07 or later)
oTypes.hTypedef header file for AUTOSAR
user_setting.c (.cpp)Const and Table of User setting
user_setting.hHeader of User setting
OSS-ECAL Terms of Use.txtOSS-ECAL Terms of Use

* For HALNAME, please refer to HAL Support.

HAL Support List

HALMCU*Development environment*HALNAME
Arduino 1.8.6ATmega2560
Mega 2560 Rev3
Arduino Pro Mini 3.3V
ARM Mbed 6.17.0STM32F401RESTM32 Nucleo-64 boardsMBED
Infineon ModusToolbox HAL Cat1 2.4.3CYBLE-416045-02CY8CPROTO-063-BLE PSoC 6 BLE Prototyping KitModusToolbox
Renesas SSP 2.4.0R7FS7G27H3A01CFCS7G2 SKSSP
STM STM32Cube FW_F4 V1.27.1STM32F401RESTM32 Nucleo-64 boardsSTM32F4
Debian(Linux) v2022.04TI AM335xBeagleBone Black – Rev CLinux

* MCU and development environment at the time of development. Even if the same HAL is used, different MCUs and development environments may not work together.

OSS-ECAL Download

Please login before downloading. To register as a new user, please click here.
This OSS-ECAL is a sample version and can be downloaded without user registration, but please accept the OSS-ECAL Terms of Use before downloading.

If you are unable to download the File, please contact us and let us know the model number and HAL type. We will send you the file as an email attachment.

Built-in How to

How to incorporate OSS-ECAL into user programs

How to incorporate multiple OSS-ECALs in a user program (same MCU function)

How to incorporate multiple OSS-ECALs in a user program (different MCU function)

How to incorporate multiple identical electronic components into a user program

How to reduce the impact on user programs by replacing electronic components


The sample version of OSS-ECAL is not intended to be used with Threads (Tasks) or interrupts of different priority. Please do not use it as in the example below.

Example: If each sensor is assigned to the same ADC group and the OSS-ECAL API is executed in processes with different priorities, correct values may not be obtained.
ADC Gr0 Ch0 Temperature sensor AD22100A 100ms cycle Thread (low priority) to take in temperature
ADC Gr0 Ch1 Pressure sensor   MPX5999D Event interrupts (high priority) to take pressure

OSS-ECAL English
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