SWE.1 SW Requirements Analysis

This post describes the A-SPICE Software Engineering Process.1 (SWE.1) SW Requirements Analysis detailed process that I recommend.

SW requirement analysis in SWE.1 is the most important process in the SWE process, and the granularity and accuracy of the SW requirement analysis will greatly affect the man-hours and quality of the SWE.2 and subsequent processes. Therefore, it is recommended to conduct SW requirements analysis carefully as shown in the table below.

SWE.1Detailed ProcessSummaryReflecting Process Group
1SW Requesting a HopscotchMeeting with the requester to explain SW requirement specifications.SYS.3 SYS Architecture Design
2Extract basic information from SW design documentsReflected in basic information in SW design document from SW requirement specification.ALL
3Extraction of SW requirement objectivesUnderstand the purpose of SW requirement specifications.SWE.6 SW Qualification Test
4Classification of SW requirement specificationsSW requirement specifications are classified as follows.
– New: add, change, delete
– Diversion: add, change, delete
SWE.2 SW Architecture Design
SWE.3 SW Detailed Design
5Extraction of changes in SW specificationsOrganize changes from base SW specs.SWE.2 SW Architecture Design
SWE.3 SW Detailed Design
6Verification of SW requirement objectives and changesVerification that changes are consistent with SW requirement objectives.SYS.3 SYS Architecture Design
7Verification of the scope of impact of changesVerification that the scope of impact of the changes is consistent with the objectives.SYS.3 SYS Architecture Design
8Confirmation of impact on SW statusCheck SW state and transition conditions and their impact on transition processing.SWE.2 SW Architecture Design
9Confirmation of impact on SW architectureCheck the following impacts.
– SW Component Configuration
– SW Component-to-Component Interface
SWE.2 SW Architecture Design
10Program file extractionSelect the target program file from the changes.SWE.3 UNIT Construction
11Confirmation of effect on ROM constantsCheck impact on ROM constants.SWE.3 SW Detailed Design
12Confirmation of effect on #define constantsCheck the impact on #define constants.SWE.3 SW Detailed Design
13Reflected in SW development planReflected in SW development plan.Reflected in the management process group (MAN)
14SWE.1 Design ReviewReview the above resultsSWE.1

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