This post introduces the API functions used to read ADC values at each HAL.
API functions for reading ADC values are classified as follows.
- ADC Start function (ADC Start)
- ADC Status Get Function (ADC Status Get)
- ADC Read function reads the AD conversion value (ADC Read)
- Function to perform 1 to 3 (ADC Start & Check & Read)
The HAL we present here is the next HAL.
- Arduino 1.8.6
- Debian(Linux) v2022.04
- Mbed 6.17.0
- ModusToolbox HAL Cat1 2.4.3
- MCUXpresso SDK iMXRT1051B_1052B ksdk2_0
- Renesas SSP 2.4.0
- STM32Cube FW_F4 V1.27.1

HALs have a variety of features, including those that are easy to use, those with high real-time performance, and those with a timeout function to prevent infinite loops caused by ADC failures. Please select the HAL that best suits your product.