STLM20 Grade7(STLM20W87F)

This is an overview of the STLM20 Grade7(STLM20W87F) and the OSS-ECAL offering for the STLM20 Grade7. STLM20 Grade7 is a temperatures sensor IC (-55 °C to +130 °C) made by STMicroelectronics.
MCU interface : ADC

For Datasheet, please search by model number from here as instructed by STMicroelectronics.

CAUTION:Please be sure to refer to the latest version of the Datasheet prior to actual design.

STLM20 Grade 7(STLM20W87F)

General description

The STLM20 is a precision analog output temperature sensor for low current applications where maximizing battery life is important. It operates over a –55 °C to 130 °C (grade 7) or –40 °C to 85 °C (grade 9) temperature range. The power supply operating range is 2.4 V to 5.5 V. The maximum temperature accuracy of the STLM20 is ± 1.5 °C (±0.5 °C typ) at an ambient temperature of 25 °C and VCCof 2.7 V. The temperature error increases linearly and reaches a maximum of ±2.5 °C at the temperature range extremes. The temperature range is affected by the power supply voltage. For the temperature grade 7 device, a power supply voltage of 2.7 V to 5.5 V, the temperature range extremes are +130 °C and –55 °C (decreasing the power supply voltage from 2.7 V to 2.4 V changes the low end of the operating temperature range from –55 °C to –30 °C, while the positive remains at +130 °C).

The STLM20 has a maximum quiescent supply current of 8 μA. Therefore, self-heating is negligible.


  • Precision analog voltage output temperature sensor
  • ±1.5 °C maximum temperature accuracy at 25 °C (±0.5 °C typical)
  • Ultra-low quiescent supply current: 4.8 μA (typ) and 8.0 μA (max)
  • Operating voltage range: 2.4 V to 5.5 V
  • Operating temperature range: –55 °C to 130 °C (grade 7) –40 °C to 85 °C (grade 9)
  • SOT323-5L 5-lead package
  • UDFN-4L 4-lead package


  • Solar inverters (string and central)
  • Process and environment monitoring
  • Dishwasher
  • Dryer
  • Induction cooking
  • Kitchen hoods
  • Refrigerators and freezers
  • Washing machines
  • Electric shavers, epilators and trimmers
  • Massagers
  • Portable massagers
  • Coffee machines
  • Microwave ovens
  • Multi-function food processor and blenders
  • Air conditioner (window/wall/portable)
  • Air purifier and humidifier
  • 3D printers
  • Computer numerical control (CNC)
  • Drones
  • Industrial printers  Textile
  • Lawn mower
  • Stage lighting
  • Lighting sensors
  • Dialysis machines
  • DC-DC PSU for server and telecom
  • Livestock position and health monitoring

OSS-ECAL specification

API Function

etSTS oSTLM20W87F( etCMD cmd, float32* rlt )

The oSTLM20W87F function is an API function that executes STLM20 Grade 7(STLM20W87F) processing according to the command in the argument.

Return valueetSTSOSS-ECAL status code
eSTS_FINCompleted successfully
eSTS_ERR_MINMinimum temperature error (rlt is minimum temperature)
eSTS_ERR_MAXMaximum temperature error (rlt is maximum temperature)
eSTS_ERR_COMMAND_CODECommand selection error
eSTS_ERR_OTHERS_RUNOther components are executing the process
eSTS_ERR_HAL_OTHERS_RUNOther application is running HAL
eSTS_ERR_ADC_OBJECTAD conversion object selection error
Parameter INetCMD cmdOSS-ECAL command code
eCMD_STARTCommand to start AD conversion.
eCMD_READCommand that reads the AD conversion value, converts the AD conversion value to a characteristic Temperature, and stores the Temperature in rlt.

AD conversion value to temperature conversion equation
Voltage value = (AD conversion value × VDD) / ( 2AD bit )
Temperature = ((voltage value – voltage offset value) / gain) + Temperature offset value (Min, Max Limit)
eCMD_START_READCommand that starts AD conversion, waits for AD conversion to finish, reads out the AD conversion value, converts the AD conversion value to a characteristic Temperature, and stores the Temperature in rlt.

AD conversion value to temperature conversion equation
Voltage value = (AD conversion value × VDD) / ( 2AD bit )
Temperature = ((voltage value – voltage offset value) / gain) + Temperature offset value (Min, Max Limit)
Parameter OUTfloat32* rltTemperature -55.0 to +130.0 [°C]

Command Correspondence Table by HAL

Infineon ModusToolboxeCMD_START_READ
etSTS oSTLM20W87F_START(void)

The oSTLM20W87F_START function is an API function to start AD conversion of the STLM20 Grade 7(STLM20W87F).

Return valueetSTSOSS-ECAL status code
eSTS_FINCompleted successfully
eSTS_ERR_OTHERS_RUNOther components are executing the process
eSTS_ERR_HAL_OTHERS_RUNOther application is running HAL
eSTS_ERR_ADC_OBJECTAD conversion object selection error

Function Correspondence Table by HAL

ARM Mbed
Infineon ModusToolbox
NXP MCUXpresso iMXRT1051B_1052BX
Renesas SSPX
etSTS oSTLM20W87F_READ( float32* rlt )

The oSTLM20W87F_READ function is an API function that checks for the end of AD conversion of the STLM20 Grade 7(STLM20W87F), reads the AD conversion value, converts the AD conversion value to a characteristic temperature, and stores the temperature in rlt.

AD conversion value to temperature conversion equation
Voltage value = (AD conversion value × VDD) / ( 2AD bit )
Temperature = ((voltage value – voltage offset value) / gain) + Temperature offset value (Min, Max Limit)

Return valueetSTSOSS-ECAL status code
eSTS_FINCompleted successfully
eSTS_ERR_MINMinimum temperature error (rlt is minimum temperature)
eSTS_ERR_MAXMaximum temperature error (rlt is maximum temperature)
eSTS_ERR_TIMEOUTADC Timeout error (AUTOSAR only)
eSTS_ERR_OTHERS_RUNOther components are executing the process
eSTS_ERR_ADC_OBJECTAD conversion object selection error
Parameter OUTfloat32* rltTemperature -55.0 to +130.0 [°C]

Function Correspondence Table by HAL

ARM Mbed
Infineon ModusToolbox
NXP MCUXpresso iMXRT1051B_1052BX
Renesas SSPX
STM STM32Cube FW_F4XTime-out time HAL_MAX_DELAY
etSTS oSTLM20W87F_START_READ( float32* rlt )

The oSTLM20W87F_START_READ function is an API function that starts an AD conversion of the STLM20 Grade 7(STLM20W87F), waits for the AD conversion to finish, reads the AD conversion value, converts the AD conversion value to a temperature characteristic, and stores the temperature in rlt.

AD conversion value to temperature conversion equation
Voltage value = (AD conversion value × VDD) / ( 2AD bit )
Temperature = ((voltage value – voltage offset value) / gain) + Temperature offset value (Min, Max Limit)

Return valueetSTSOSS-ECAL status code
eSTS_FINCompleted successfully
eSTS_ERR_MINMinimum temperature error (rlt is minimum temperature)
eSTS_ERR_MAXMaximum temperature error (rlt is maximum temperature)
eSTS_ERR_OTHERS_RUNOther components are executing the process
eSTS_ERR_HAL_OTHERS_RUNOther application is running HAL
eSTS_ERR_ADC_OBJECTAD conversion object selection error
Parameter OUTfloat32* rltTemperature -55.0 to +130.0 [°C]

Function Correspondence Table by HAL

Infineon ModusToolboxX
NXP MCUXpresso iMXRT1051B_1052BX
Renesas SSPX
STM STM32Cube FW_F4XTime-out time HAL_MAX_DELAY

HAL Support List

OSS-ECAL’s HAL support is as follows. (The list is being expanded sequentially.) Please note that even if the same HAL is used, different versions, MCUs, and development environments may not work together.

ManufacturerSDK/IDE ToolHAL NameVerHALNAMESupport
ArduinoArduino IDEArduino1.8.6ARDUINOX
ArmKeil MDK v6Mbed OS6.17.0MBEDX
NXPMCUXpresso SDKSDK_2.x_EVKB-IMXRT10502.16iMXRT1051B1052BX
RenesasSynergy Software PackageHAL2.6.0SSPX
Development environment

The MCU and development environment during OSS-ECAL development are as follows.

ARDUINOArduino1.Mega 2560 Rev3
2.Arduino Pro Mini 3.3V
Arduino IDE 2.3.3
MBEDSTMicroelectronicsSTM32 Nucleo-64 boardsSTM32F401RETxArm Keil Studio Cloud
LinuxBeagleBoardBeagleBone BlackTI AM335x
ModusToolboxInfineonCY8CPROTO-063-BLE PSoC 6 BLE Prototyping KitCYBLE-416045-02ModusToolbox
MCALSTMicroelectronicsS32K144EVB-Q100S32K144S32 Design Studio for S32 Platform
SSPRenesasS7G2 SKR7FS7G27H3A01CFCe² studio for Renesas Synergy
STM32F4STMicroelectronicsSTM32 Nucleo-64 boardsSTM32F401RETxSTM32CubeIDE

File Structure

STLM20W87F_HALNAME_010000/samplesample.c (.cpp)Sample application program
sample.hSample application header
STLM20W87F_HALNAME_010000oSTLM20W87F.c (.cpp)OSS-ECAL program for STLM20 Grade 7(STLM20W87F)
oSTLM20W87F.hOSS-ECAL header for STLM20 Grade 7(STLM20W87F)
oss_ecal.hOSS-ECAL common header
STLM20W87F_ARDUINO.inoSample application programs for Arduino
user_setting.c (.cpp)User configured constants and tables
user_setting.hUser configuration Header
oHAL_i2c_stm32f4.cHAL Program for STM32Cube FW_F4
oHAL_i2c_stm32f4.hHAL Header for STM32Cube FW_F4
OSS-ECAL Terms of Use.txtOSS-ECAL Terms of Use

* For HALNAME, please refer to HAL Support.

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Built-in How to

How to incorporate OSS-ECAL into user programs

How to incorporate multiple OSS-ECALs in a user program (same MCU function)

How to incorporate multiple OSS-ECALs in a user program (different MCU function)

How to incorporate multiple identical electronic components into a user program

How to reduce the impact on user programs by replacing electronic components


The sample version of OSS-ECAL is not intended to be used with Threads (Tasks) or interrupts of different priority. Please do not use it as in the example below.

Example: If each sensor is assigned to the same ADC group and the OSS-ECAL API is executed in processes with different priorities, correct values may not be obtained.
ADC Gr0 Ch0 Temperature sensor AD22100A 100ms cycle Thread (low priority) to take in temperature
ADC Gr0 Ch1 Pressure sensor   MPX5999D Event interrupts (high priority) to take pressure

OSS-ECAL English
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