Temperature and Humidity sensors offering OSS-ECAL are listed in the table below.
Manufacturer | Model number | Minimum temperature [°C] | Maximum temperature [°C] | Minimum humidity [%RH] | Maximum humidity [%RH] | MCU interface | OSS-ECAL HAL | OSS-ECAL Ver |
Renesas Electronics | HS3001 HS3003 | -40 | +125 | 0.0 | 100.0 | I2C | Arduino Mbed MCUXpresso ModusToolbox SSP | Sample v01.00.00 |
Texas Instruments | HDC1080 | -40 | +125 | 0.0 | 100.0 | I2C | Arduino Linux Mbed MCUXpresso ModusToolbox SSP STM32Cube | Sample v01.00.00 |