

OSS-ECAL for SCA3300-D01 is released

OSS-ECAL for SCA3300-D01 is released. The SCA3300-D01 is a high-performance 3-axis acceleration sensor for industrial use manufactured by Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

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Measures to block access to OSS-ECAL sites

This site has implemented a second set of measures to address access blocking by proxy servers and web security software used by various workplaces and organizations.

OSS-ECAL Download

Until now, OSS-ECAL source code files could be downloaded by non-registered users, but for the following reasons, we hav...

Providing a sample version of OSS-ECAL

We received an inquiry from an electronic components manufacturer asking us why our products are not listed on the OSS-E...

Banner ad on NEDIA website

Banner advertisement on the website of Nippon Electronic Device Industry Association (NEDIA).

Notes on the sample version of OSS-ECAL

The sample version of OSS-ECAL is not intended to be used with Threads (Tasks) or interrupts of different priority. Plea...

Improved smartphone text display

Improved the disorder of the introductory dance and the OSS-ECAL description text of each electronic component on smartp...

Started providing OSS-ECAL for AUTOSAR

OSS-ECAL for AUTOSAR will be provided sequentially. Please download and use it.

Notice of browser download unblocking

I am pleased to announce that I was able to unblock the browser download block that has been inconveniencing you.
OSS-ECAL English
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